Welcome to Cache Investing! This is an investing blog aimed at my fellow engineers to help us understand the crazy world of personal finance.
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It’s open enrollment season. Did you fund your HSA?
The Health Savings Account (HSA), not to be confused with a Flexible Savings Account (FSA), was created in 2003 by President Bush. The HSA allows you to pay for health care with pre-tax dollars.
The Emergency Fund isn’t just for job loss
An emergency fund is a cash reserve specifically set aside for major unplanned expenses or emergencies. The important take away of an emergency fund is: don't be afraid to use it when you need it
Contribution Limits for 2022
Contribution limits for 2022 have been announced.
An Overview of the 401(k)
The 401(k) takes it's name from section 401(k) of the Internal Revenue Code. A 401(k) plan can give employees a tax break on money they contribute (depending on if it is pre or post tax).
Welcome to Cache Investing! I'm just getting the blog off the ground, so my apologies if the theme randomly changes or things move around for a little bit as I get used to everything.